Sunday, January 11, 2015

I'm back!

Happy late new year lovelies!!! Sorry I haven't posted in awhile...if there's even anyone reading this... Anyways, I've been super busy!  I was at Disneyland with my family over the holidays so that took up a lot of my time.  
So, big news.  I finally ordered the Kate Spade Wellesley Planner! I'm so so excited.  Hopefully it will be here tomorrow.  I'm planning on doing a post of my filofax before and after I move into the Kate Spade.  I've had my eye on this planner for awhile and have practically watched every video on youtube on this planner. Needless to say I can't wait.  I also want to do a post about how I update my filofax so get excited!  Well not too much to report right now.  sweet dreams. xoxo

Monday, December 29, 2014

New Years Resolutions.

Well, it's that time of year again. Everyone's changing their lives around starting next week.  I can't believe how fast 2014 flew by.  I feel like just yesterday I was starting my first day of senior year!  It has been a good year though.  Despite a couple of dumb decisions I made.  Hopefully, I'll be smarter next year.  I lost a lot too.  I lost a best friend of 4 years, a relationship, and a lot of my high school friends.  I think most of it was for the best though.  I had to shed my skin before heading off to dear old Dickinson.  
Starting college was a big change too.  Going from being top dog in my high school to a scared little freshman was a big change.  And living with a roommate! God! Who knew it could be so tough.  A lot of these experiences have really made me mature though.  I'm stronger without the friend who was dragging me down and the boyfriend who clung onto me like a leech.  Maybe that last one was a little harsh...
Anyways, let's talk resolutions.  I have a couple for this year.  For one thing, I want to be more active.  I have rheumatoid arthritis and staying active and flexible is really important. I also want to keep this blog going! I don't know if it's just excitement over something new but I really actually like this.  Another thing is I want to get better about using my filofax.  Thinking about making a post about starting one in the future so stay tuned! But I might end up moving into the Kate Spade Wellesley's rather beautiful..
Finally I want to be more comfortable being myself.  Being in a relationship for so long made it kind of hard for me to focus on myself.  And living with someone who is kind of judgmental has made me question the things I like lately.  I want to get more comfortable despite her and learn to love myself the way I am! Too often people tell us how we should act or dress or what we should be into.   I think that's so awful.  Whatever you like and wear and think is cool is awesome! Be yourself! 
Well I hope this post wasn't terribly boring.  More posts to come later! xoxo

First Blog Post!

Hey there internet! I decided I wanted to start a blog.  I'd always had a tumblr but I figured this blog would be more of a way to let my feelings out in words.  This is kind of my message in a bottle.  Who knows if anyone will actually end up reading it.
Well a little bit about myself.  I'm a freshman at Dickinson College studying Chemistry.  I have 5 lovely little kitties and 2 crazy dogs.  I love art and music.  I'm hoping to post some of my creations here.  I'm your basic teenage girl going through all the normal craziness of life and growing up.  
I have one brother who is going to be a total heartbreaker but he doesn't know it yet.  My parents and I are very close.
I don't really have a best friend right now, but I have a lot of good friends.  I play the guitar and the piano.  I love to read and I'm obsessed with make up.  
Who knows where this blog will end up going.  I have a habit of starting things and never finishing them so hopefully this will turn out to be a lesson in finishing things, or at least keeping them going.  Nice to make your acquaintance. xoxo